Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: Version: 1.3.15
Active as of 2024-04-09 Computable Name: AdresSoortCodelijst-to-AddressType

Maps AddressType codes as found in HCIM AddressInformation (release 2017) to Address.type codes as found in FHIR STU3

Mapping from AdresSoortCodelijst to AddressType

ACTIVE. Published on 2024-04-09 16:00:20+0200 by HL7 Netherlands (Nictiz:

Maps AddressType codes as found in HCIM AddressInformation (release 2017) to Address.type codes as found in FHIR STU3

Group 1 Mapping from v3 Code System AddressUse to AddressType

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
PST (postal address)is equal topostal
HP (primary home)is related tophysicalHP: Primary home/officieel adres. physical: A physical address that can be visited. Use in conjunction with Address.use = home, Address.use.extension = HP and Address.extension = true to mark as primary
PHYS (physical visit address)is equivalent tophysicalPHYS: Visit Address/Woon-/verblijfadres. physical: A physical address that can be visited. Use in conjunction with Address.use = home, Address.use.extension = PHYS
TMP (temporary address)(not mapped)
WP (work place)(not mapped)
HV (vacation home)narrowerphysicalHV: Vacation Home. physical: A physical address that can be visited. Use in conjunction with Address.use = temp, Address.use.extension = HV