Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: NHG NHGTable14 to ActEncounterCode

Official URL: Version: 1.3.15
Active as of 2024-04-09 Computable Name: NHGTable14-to-ActEncounterCode

Copyright/Legal: CC0

Maps the NHG Table 14 version 7 (September 2011) terminology for ContactType to the FHIR STU3 terminology associated with Encounter.class

To aid in mapping from ZIB Contact value set ContactTypeCodelijst to FHIR STU3 Contact.class

Mapping from (not specified) to ActEncounterCode

ACTIVE. Published on 2024-04-09 16:00:20+0200 by HL7 Netherlands (Nictiz: CC0

Maps the NHG Table 14 version 7 (September 2011) terminology for ContactType to the FHIR STU3 terminology associated with Encounter.class

Group 1 Mapping from|7 (September 2011) to v3 Code System ActCode (version 2016-11-11)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
1 (visite)is equal toHH (home)
2 (nacht/dienst visite)maps loosely toHH (home)Nacht/dienst semantics not covered
3 (Consult)is equal toAMB (ambulatory)
4 (nacht/dienst consult)maps loosely toAMB (ambulatory)Nacht/dienst semantics not covered
5 (telefonisch contact)maps to wider conceptVR (virtual)Virtual is broader/wider than just phone
6 (nacht/dienst telefonisch consult)is related toVR (virtual)Virtual is broader/wider than just phone. Nacht/dienst semantics not covered
8 (postverwerking)is related toVR (virtual)Processing the mail is about the patient, but there is no true encounter
9 (overleg)is related toVR (virtual)Inter-collegial consultation is about the patient, but there is no true encounter
11 (notitie/memo)is related toVR (virtual)Note/memo is about the patient, but there is no true encounter
12 (e-consult)is equal toVR (virtual)Virtual is presumably broader/wider than e-consult

Group 2 Mapping from|7 (September 2011) to v3 Code System NullFlavor

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
90 (onbekend)is equal toUNK (unknown)
99 (overig)is equal toOTH (other)