Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: Example Procedure - zib-freedomrestrictingmeasures-01 - XML Representation

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<Procedure xmlns="">
  <id value="zib-freedomrestrictingmeasures-01"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="">
                <caption>Verrichting. Subject: <a href="Patient/nl-core-patient-03">Irma
                        Jongeneel-de Haas</a>. Categorie: <span title="Procedures relating to control, restraint, seclusion and segregation (procedure) (225214000 - SNOMED CT)">Procedures relating to control, restraint, seclusion and segregation
                        (procedure)</span>, Status: voltooid</caption>
                            <span title="Restriction of movement (225317005 - SNOMED CT)">Restriction of movement</span>
                            <div>Uitgevoerd: 1 mei 2014 - 5 mei 2014</div>
                        <td>nee<div>Wilsonbekwaam t.a.v. geldzaken.</div>
                            <span title="Instemming wettelijke vertegenwoordiger (4 - 2.16.840.1.113883.">Instemming wettelijke vertegenwoordiger</span>
  <!--  LegallyCapable  -->
    <!--  LegallyCapableIndicator  -->
    <extension url="LegallyCapableIndicator">
      <valueBoolean value="false"/>
    <!--  LegallyCapableComment  -->
    <extension url="legallyCapableComment">
      <valueString value="Wilsonbekwaam t.a.v. geldzaken."/>
  <!--  Permission  -->
  <!-- </extension> -->
    <!-- <extension url="Permission"> -->
        <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883."/>
        <code value="4"/>
        <display value="Instemming wettelijke vertegenwoordiger"/>
  <status value="completed"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="225214000"/>
               value="Procedures relating to control, restraint, seclusion and segregation (procedure)"/>
  <!--  TypeOfInterventionCode  -->
      <!--  TypeOfInterventionCodelist  -->
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="225317005"/>
      <display value="Restriction of movement"/>
    <reference value="Patient/nl-core-patient-03"/>
    <display value="Irma Jongeneel-de Haas"/>
    <!--  StartEpisode  -->
    <start value="2014-05-01"/>
    <!--  EndOfEpisode  -->
    <end value="2014-05-05"/>