Nictiz.IHE.MHD.Provide.Minimal.DocumentReference |
DocumentReference | Entity. Role, or Act, Document[classCode="DOC" and moodCode="EVN"] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
masterIdentifier | .id |
identifier | .id / .setId |
status | interim: .completionCode="IN" & ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="active"; final: .completionCode="AU" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="complete" and not(./inboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode("ActClass#CACT") and moodCode="EVN" and domainMember("ReviseDocument", code) and isNormalAct()]); amended: .completionCode="AU" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="complete" and ./inboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode("ActClass#CACT") and moodCode="EVN" and domainMember("ReviseDocument", code) and isNormalAct() and statusCode="completed"]; withdrawn : .completionCode=NI && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]="obsolete" |
type | ./code |
class | .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code |
subject | .participation[typeCode="SBJ"].role[typeCode="PAT"] |
indexed | .availabilityTime[type="TS"] |
author | .participation[typeCode="AUT"].role[classCode="ASSIGNED"] |
authenticator | .participation[typeCode="AUTHEN"].role[classCode="ASSIGNED"] |
relatesTo | .outboundRelationship |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
code | .outboundRelationship.typeCode |
target | .target[classCode="DOC", moodCode="EVN"].id |
description | .outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"].target.text |
securityLabel | .confidentialityCode |
content | document.text |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
attachment | document.text |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
contentType | ./mediaType, ./charset |
language | ./language |
url | ./reference/literal |
size | N/A (needs data type R3 proposal) |
hash | .integrityCheck[parent::ED/integrityCheckAlgorithm="SHA-1"] |
title | ./title/data |
format | document.text |
context | outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"].target[classCode<'ACT'] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
encounter | unique(highest(./outboundRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalActRelationship()], priorityNumber)/target[moodCode="EVN" and classCode=("ENC", "PCPR") and isNormalAct]) |
event | .code |
period | .effectiveTime |
facilityType | .participation[typeCode="LOC"].role[classCode="DSDLOC"].code |
practiceSetting | .participation[typeCode="LOC"].role[classCode="DSDLOC"].code |
sourcePatientInfo | .participation[typeCode="SBJ"].role[typeCode="PAT"] |
related | ./outboundRelationship[typeCode="PERT" and isNormalActRelationship()] / target[isNormalAct] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | ./outboundRelationship[typeCode="PERT" and isNormalActRelationship()] / target[isNormalAct] .id |
ref | ./outboundRelationship[typeCode="PERT" and isNormalActRelationship()] / target[isNormalAct].text.reference |