Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: RelatieCodelijst

Official URL: Version: 1.3.15
Active as of 2024-04-09 Computable Name: RelatieCodelijst
Other Identifiers: (use: official)



Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in
    CodeDisplayDefinitionSynonymNederlands (Nederland) (Dutch (Netherlands), nl)
    OTHOtherDescription:The actual value is not a member of the set of permitted data values in the constrained value domain of a variable. (e.g., concept not provided by required code system).
    Usage Notes: This flavor and its specializations are most commonly used with the CD datatype and its flavors. However, it may apply to *any* datatype where the constraints of the type are tighter than can be conveyed. For example, a PQ that is for a true measured amount whose units are not supported in UCUM, a need to convey a REAL when the type has been constrained to INT, etc.
    With coded datatypes, this null flavor may only be used if the vocabulary binding has a coding strength of CNE. By definition, all local codes and original text are part of the value set if the coding strength is CWE.
  • Include these codes as defined in
    CodeDisplayDefinitionSynonymNederlands (Nederland) (Dutch (Netherlands), nl)
    ADOPTF Adoptive father The player of the role (father) is a male who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as his own child. Adoptievader Adoptievader
    ADOPTM Adoptive mother The player of the role (father) is a female who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as her own child. Adoptiemoeder Adoptiemoeder
    AUNT Aunt The player of the role is a sister of the scoping person's mother or father. Tante Tante
    BRO Brother The player of the role is a male sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity. Broer Broer
    BROINLAW Brother-in-law The player of the role is: (1) a brother of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the husband of the scoping person's sister, or (3) the husband of a sister of the scoping person's spouse. Zwager Zwager
    COUSN Cousin The player of the role is a relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line. Neef/nicht, zoon/dochter van oom/tante Neef/nicht, zoon/dochter van oom/tante
    DAUC Daughter Description: The player of the role is a female child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent) Dochter Dochter
    DAUINLAW Daughter in-law The player of the role is the wife of scoping person's son. Schoondochter Schoondochter
    DOMPART Domestic partner The player of the role cohabits with the scoping person but is not the scoping person's spouse. Partner Partner
    FTH Father The player of the role is a male who begets or raises or nurtures the scoping entity (child). Vader Vader
    FTHINLAW Father-in-law The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's husband or wife. Schoonvader Schoonvader
    DAUFOST Foster daughter The player of the role is a female child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties. Pleegdochter Pleegdochter
    FTHFOST Foster father The player of the role (parent) who is a male state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.
    The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
    Pleegvader Pleegvader
    MTHFOST Foster mother The player of the role (parent) who is a female state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.
    The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
    Pleegmoeder Pleegmoeder
    SONFOST Foster son The player of the role is a male child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties. Pleegzoon Pleegzoon
    GRNDDAU Granddaughter The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's son or daughter. Kleindochter Kleindochter
    GRFTH Grandfather The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's mother or father. Opa Opa
    GRMTH Grandmother The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's mother or father. Oma Oma
    GRNDSON Grandson The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's son or daughter. Kleinzoon Kleinzoon
    GGRFTH Great grandfather The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's grandparent. Overgrootvader Overgrootvader
    GGRMTH Great grandmother The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's grandparent. Overgrootmoeder Overgrootmoeder
    HUSB Husband The player of the role is a man joined to a woman (scoping person) in marriage. Echtgenoot Echtgenoot
    MTH Mother The player of the role is a female who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures the scoping entity (child). Moeder Moeder
    MTHINLAW Mother-in-law The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's husband or wife. Schoonmoeder Schoonmoeder
    NEPHEW Nephew The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse. Neef, zoon van broer/zus Neef, zoon van broer/zus
    NIECE Niece The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse. Nicht, dochter van broer/zus Nicht, dochter van broer/zus
    SIS Sister The player of the role is a female sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity. Zuster Zuster
    SISINLAW Sister-in-law The player of the role is: (1) a sister of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the wife of the scoping person's brother, or (3) the wife of a brother of the scoping person's spouse. Schoonzuster Schoonzuster
    SONC Son Description: The player of the role is a male child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent) Zoon Zoon
    SONINLAW Son in-law The player of the role is the husband of scoping person's daughter. Schoonzoon Schoonzoon
    STPFTH Stepfather The player of the role is the husband of scoping person's mother and not the scoping person's natural father. Stiefvader Stiefvader
    STPMTH Stepmother The player of the role is the wife of scoping person's father and not the scoping person's natural mother. Stiefmoeder Stiefmoeder
    UNCLE Uncle The player of the role is a brother of the scoping person's mother or father. Oom Oom
    WIFE Wife The player of the role is a woman joined to a man (scoping person) in marriage. Echtgenote Echtgenote



This value set contains 35 concepts.


Description:The actual value is not a member of the set of permitted data values in the constrained value domain of a variable. (e.g., concept not provided by required code system).

                       Usage Notes: This flavor and its specializations are most commonly used with the CD datatype and its flavors.  However, it may apply to *any* datatype where the constraints of the type are tighter than can be conveyed.  For example, a PQ that is for a true measured amount whose units are not supported in UCUM, a need to convey a REAL when the type has been constrained to INT, etc.

                    With coded datatypes, this null flavor may only be used if the vocabulary binding has a coding strength of CNE.  By definition, all local codes and original text are part of the value set if the coding strength is CWE.
  ADOPTF father

The player of the role (father) is a male who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as his own child.

  ADOPTM mother

The player of the role (father) is a female who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as her own child.


The player of the role is a sister of the scoping person's mother or father.


The player of the role is a male sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.


The player of the role is: (1) a brother of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the husband of the scoping person's sister, or (3) the husband of a sister of the scoping person's spouse.


The player of the role is a relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.


Description: The player of the role is a female child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)

  DAUINLAW in-law

The player of the role is the wife of scoping person's son.

  DOMPART partner

The player of the role cohabits with the scoping person but is not the scoping person's spouse.


The player of the role is a male who begets or raises or nurtures the scoping entity (child).


The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's husband or wife.

  DAUFOST daughter

The player of the role is a female child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.

  FTHFOST father

The player of the role (parent) who is a male state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.

                    The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
  MTHFOST mother

The player of the role (parent) who is a female state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.

                    The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.

The player of the role is a male child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.


The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's son or daughter.


The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's mother or father.


The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's mother or father.


The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's son or daughter.

  GGRFTH grandfather

The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's grandparent.

  GGRMTH grandmother

The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's grandparent.


The player of the role is a man joined to a woman (scoping person) in marriage.


The player of the role is a female who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures the scoping entity (child).


The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's husband or wife.


The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.


The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.


The player of the role is a female sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.


The player of the role is: (1) a sister of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the wife of the scoping person's brother, or (3) the wife of a brother of the scoping person's spouse.


Description: The player of the role is a male child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)

  SONINLAW in-law

The player of the role is the husband of scoping person's daughter.


The player of the role is the husband of scoping person's mother and not the scoping person's natural father.


The player of the role is the wife of scoping person's father and not the scoping person's natural mother.


The player of the role is a brother of the scoping person's mother or father.


The player of the role is a woman joined to a man (scoping person) in marriage.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code