Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: gp-Encounter

Official URL: Version: 1.3.15
Active as of 2024-04-09 Computable Name: gp-Encounter

Contact as defined by the Dutch General Practitioners Association (Nederlands Huisartsengenootschap or NHG) based on the Dutch Health and Care Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB) version 1.0.

A contact is any interaction, regardless of the situation, between a patient and the healthcare provider, in which the healthcare provider has primary responsibility for diagnosing, evaluating and treating the patient’s condition and informing the patient. These can be visits, appointments or non face-to-face interactions.

Contacts can be visits to the general practitioner or other practices, home visits, admissions (in hospitals, nursing homes or care homes, psychiatric institutions or convalescent homes) or other relevant contacts. This only includes past contacts. Future contacts can be documented in the PlannedCareActivity information model.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Zib Encounter

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter Zib Encounter
... class 1..1 Coding ContactType
... type 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: NHG tabel 14v7 - ContactType (required): NHG Table 14 ContactWijze

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron