Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017
1.3.15 - CI Build

Nictiz FHIR NL STU3 Zib2017 - Local Development build (v1.3.15) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: Vital Signs Profile NL - Detailed Descriptions

Active as of 2024-04-09

Definitions for the zib-VitalSigns resource profile.

Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here

0. Observation

The FHIR Vitals Signs profile sets a minimum expectations for the Observation Resource to record, search and fetch the vital signs associated with a patient.

ShortFHIR Vital Signs Profile
Alternate NamesFHIR Vital Signs profiel
Invariantsvs-2: If there is no component or related element then either a value[x] or a data absent reason must be present ((component.empty() and related.empty()) implies (dataAbsentReason or value))
2. Observation.status
Must Supporttrue
4. Observation.category
This element is affected by the following invariants: vs-4
Must Supporttrue
Invariantsvs-4: Must have a category of 'vital-signs' and a code system '' (where(coding.system='' and coding.code='vital-signs').exists())
6. Observation.code

Coded Responses from C-CDA Vital Sign Results.

ShortCoded Responses from Vital Signs Results
BindingUnless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Vital Signs
(extensible to

This identifies the vital sign result type.

Must Supporttrue
  1. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] code, where the @code SHOULD be selected from ValueSet HITSP Vital Sign Result Type 2.16.840.1.113883. DYNAMIC (CONF:7301).
Alternate NamesGecodeerde antwoorden uit Vital Signs resultaten
8. Observation.subject
Must Supporttrue
10. Observation.context
TypeReference(nl-core-episodeofcare, HCIM Encounter, gp-Encounter)
12. Observation.effective[x]

Often just a dateTime for Vital Signs.

ShortOften just a dateTime for Vital Signs
[x] NoteSee Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x]
Must Supporttrue
Alternate NamesMeestal slechts een datum/tijd voor Vital Signs
14. Observation.performer
TypeReference(nl-core-practitioner, nl-core-organization, nl-core-relatedperson, nl-core-patient)
Must Supporttrue
Must Support TypesNo must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles
16. Observation.performer.extension
SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on Observation.performer.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
  • value @ url
  • 18. Observation.performer.extension:practitionerRole
    Slice NamepractitionerRole
    TypeExtension(PractitionerRole Reference) (Extension Type: Reference)
    20. Observation.valueQuantity:valueQuantity
    Slice NamevalueQuantity

    Vital Sign Value recorded with UCUM.

    ShortVital Sign Value recorded with UCUM
    BindingThe codes SHALL be taken from Vital Signs Units
    (required to

    Common UCUM units for recording Vital Signs

    Must Supporttrue
    1. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type="PQ" (CONF:7305).
    Alternate NamesVital Sign waarde, vastgelegd op basis van UCUM-eenheid
    22. Observation.valueQuantity:valueQuantity.value
    Must Supporttrue
    24. Observation.valueQuantity:valueQuantity.unit
    Must Supporttrue
    26. Observation.valueQuantity:valueQuantity.system
    Must Supporttrue
    Fixed Value
    28. Observation.valueQuantity:valueQuantity.code

    Coded responses from the common UCUM units for vital signs value set.

    ShortCoded responses from the common UCUM units for vital signs value set.
    Must Supporttrue
    Alternate NamesGecodeerde antwoorden van de algemene UCUM-eenheden voor vital signs waardelijst.
    30. Observation.dataAbsentReason
    Must Supporttrue
    32. Observation.device
    TypeReference(HCIM MedicalDevice Product)
    34. Observation.related

    Used when reporting vital signs panel components.

    ShortUsed when reporting vital signs panel components
    Must Supporttrue
    Alternate NamesGebruikt bij het rapporteren van vital signs panelcomponenten.
    36. Observation.related.type
    Must Supporttrue
    Fixed Valuehas-member
    TypeReference(VitalSigns Profile NL)
    Must Supporttrue
    40. Observation.component
    Must Supporttrue
    Invariantsvs-3: If there is no a value a data absent reason must be present (value.exists() or dataAbsentReason.exists())
    42. Observation.component.code
    BindingUnless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Vital Signs
    (extensible to

    This identifies the vital sign result type.

    Must Supporttrue
    44. Observation.component.value[x]

    Vital Sign Value recorded with UCUM.

    ShortVital Sign Value recorded with UCUM
    [x] NoteSee Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x]
    Must Supporttrue
    1. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type="PQ" (CONF:7305).
    Alternate NamesVital Sign waarde vastgelegd op basis van UCUM-eenheid
    46. Observation.component.dataAbsentReason
    Must Supporttrue