Validation Results for bgz-to-omop-ig

Generated Fri Dec 06 10:48:48 UTC 2024, FHIR version 3.0.2 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.7.5
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r35.3.0 OR3http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.1.0
... UR3
Templates: ig.template#0.1 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:no Non-HL7 references found
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Not Found)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad, displayWarnings; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent
Summary: errors = 11, warn = 8, info = 0, broken links = 0
Build Errors140

n/a Show Validation Information

ImplementationGuide.dependency[0].urlwarningThe canonical URL for an Implementation Guide must point directly to the implementation guide resource, not to the Implementation Guide as a whole
ImplementationGuide.dependency[1].urlwarningThe canonical URL for an Implementation Guide must point directly to the implementation guide resource, not to the Implementation Guide as a whole
errorUnable to find for the resource StructureMap/person-transform. Name is mandatory if it cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureMap/person-transform. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

input/bgz-to-omop-ig.json Show Validation Information (1)

ImplementationGuide​.dependency[0] (l1​/c1667)warningThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ImplementationGuide​.dependency[0] (l1​/c1667)warningThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ImplementationGuide​.dependency[1] (l1​/c2046)warningThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ImplementationGuide​.dependency[1] (l1​/c2046)warningThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)

input/resources/StructMap-Person.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage[0] (l1/c3160) minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c3048)errorThe source path source.identifier[BSN] refers to the path Patient.identifier[BSN] which is unknown

input/resources/StructureDefinition-CareSite.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential (l1​/c21522)errorConstraint failed: sdf-8a: 'In any differential, all the elements must be in the specified type'
StructureDefinition (l1/c21523)errorConstraint failed: sdf-11: 'If there's a type, its content must match the path name in the first element of a snapshot'

input/resources/StructureDefinition-Location.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential (l1​/c31242)errorConstraint failed: sdf-8a: 'In any differential, all the elements must be in the specified type'
StructureDefinition (l1/c31243)errorConstraint failed: sdf-11: 'If there's a type, its content must match the path name in the first element of a snapshot'

input/resources/StructureDefinition-Person.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential (l1​/c48002)errorConstraint failed: sdf-8a: 'In any differential, all the elements must be in the specified type'
StructureDefinition (l1/c48003)errorConstraint failed: sdf-11: 'If there's a type, its content must match the path name in the first element of a snapshot'

input/resources/StructureDefinition-Provider.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential (l1​/c37732)errorConstraint failed: sdf-8a: 'In any differential, all the elements must be in the specified type'
StructureDefinition (l1/c37733)errorConstraint failed: sdf-11: 'If there's a type, its content must match the path name in the first element of a snapshot'

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


input/bgz-to-omop-ig.jsonThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/bgz-to-omop-ig.jsonThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/bgz-to-omop-ig.jsonThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/bgz-to-omop-ig.jsonThe extension from FHIR version 4.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = e:ImplementationGuide.dependsOn; this element is [[BackboneElement, ImplementationGuide.dependency]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)


input/resources/StructMap-Person.jsonThe source path source.identifier[BSN] refers to the path Patient.identifier[BSN] which is unknown


input/resources/ minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from